Dear Editor,
Our awesome Cornwall Seaway Lions Club did a fabulous job with Ribfest once again this year. Wow…what an amazing job we did! But we couldn’t have done it without our volunteers who are dedicated to helping us see this event through, and work tirelessly without pay. They do this just because they want to help, and take part in an amazing experience. They are so awesome. And I am so thankful for their contribution.
Thank you as well to all the great support from the media people here in Cornwall. The success of our event is also yours to share as you are the guys who help create the buzz around it! Thank you for the love Wild Country 96.5, 101.5 The FOX – Real Classic Rock, My Mix 96.1, CKON Radio, Cornwall Newswatch, Cornwall Seaway News, Standard-Freeholder and The Seeker.
A huge round of applause is also going to every City of Cornwall employee who worked on behalf of our awesome Ribfest: Sylvie O’Rourke (Parking & Licensing agent), Lorne Taillon (Leisure Arts Coordinator), and Bob Scott, Wayne Potter, Gilles Leger (each a City Foreman) and Latreille Electrical (subcontractor). I am so thankful for their leadership roles, and of course, for their crews of workers. You can’t pull something together as well and awesome as this without the right people in place (like them) who go the extra mile whenever needed. Thank you sooooo much!
One last shout out to our title sponsor, Ontarioeast.net. These guys rocked the Beer Garden all week-end long! They kept the people safe, made sure there was a constant flow of beer being poured and worked really hard to make sure everybody was happy. You can’t get better people!
And to all the other sponsors, big and small, we couldn’t do this without your support and that of the community.
See you all in 2017!
John Lucio
Ribfest Chairperson