CORNWALL – The second Cornwall public meeting on potential school closures in SD&G will be happening tonight (Monday).
The Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) is holding the meeting at General Vanier Secondary School.
The Building for the Future: Pupil Accommodation Review is recommending the closure of 16 schools across Eastern Ontario by the end of the school year and another 13 schools that could close under the right conditions.
In a bid to rally the troops, residents from South Stormont are being bused into Cornwall for the meeting.
The second public meeting is expected to be less rigid and will take statements from the public, according to South Stormont ARC representative Jennifer MacIssac.
The last meeting in November saw 500-600 people pack the auditorium at General Vanier.
Tonight’s meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at GV. Follow Cornwall Newswatch on Twitter for updates from the meeting.
Several townships have recently received economic impact reports from consultant Doyletech suggesting their economies could take a multi-million dollar hit if schools close.