CORNWALL – A report before city councillors Monday suggests a high-level engineering study would have to be commissioned before train whistles would be silenced at the Tollgate Road crossing.
The city has received two petitions this year regarding train whistling at the level crossing.
One petition had 148 signatures to keep the whistles (though the city notes the petition includes some out-of-city residents). The other had 72 signatures against.
Among the set of federal rules under the Railway Safety Act for eliminating train whistles, the city would have to hire a professional engineer to do a study.
If the change were to go ahead, the municipality would have to accept some responsibility for maintaining the crossing, which may require additional safety features.
“At the present time, the City has contacted CN’s Public and Government Affairs Department to obtain CN’s input to initialize the process and high-level feasibility of whistling cessation at the Tollgate Road crossing,” the report states.
After hearing from CN, councillors would have to decide whether the petitions constitute a “community request” to stop whistling and the level crossing.
Monday’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. at city hall.
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