MMAW inquiry advocate to speak in Cornwall

Gladys Radek, whose niece went missing in northern British Columbia, will be speaking in Cornwall on Saturday Mar. 7, 2015. Radek has been an advocate for an inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women. (Photo/Cornwall and District Labour Council)

CORNWALL – A fixture at demonstrations across the country for missing and murdered aboriginal women will be a keystone speaker in Cornwall this weekend.

Galdys Radek, the co-founder of Walk4Justice, will give a speech at the Cornwall and District Labour Council’s International Women’s Day breakfast Saturday.

Radek’s niece, Tamara Chipman, disappeared in 2005 along Highway 16 in northern British Columbia.

She’s also been pushing for a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women.

The speech starts at 8:30 a.m. at the Best Western Parkway Inn and Conference Center.

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased from Louise Lanctot at 613-932-1943 or

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