CORNWALL – Lock workers on the St. Lawrence Seaway in the Cornwall-area could hit the bricks on Friday.
Five Unifor union locals served the company a 72 hour strike notice on Tuesday.
The union says one of the main issues it’s facing during contract talks is staffing levels.
Unifor is concerned there won’t be enough staff on hand for emergencies as the St. Lawrence Seaway moves to automate the locks and the mooring of ships.
“We believe that having no one at the lock is not a good idea,” said National Representative Joel Fournier. “The risk of an environmental disaster with all of the dangerous cargo going through the Seaway is very real.”
The union says it served the strike notice to the company as talks resumed Tuesday in Cornwall after months at a standstill.
Unifor says it applied for a conciliator in August.
The earliest a strike could happen is 12:15 p.m. on Friday.
Unifor represents 460 seaway workers from Niagara to Montreal, including Cornwall and Iroquois.
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