Half load limits in effect on Cornwall, SD&G roads

In this March 2020, file photo, a sign tells truck drivers about reduced load limits on Cornwall Centre Road, west of Brookdale Avenue. The reduced load limits are in effect through the middle of May. (Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston, FIle)

SD&G – A sure sign of changing seasons, truckers hauling goods have to lighten their loads on some roads across the region.

Half load limits went into effect on various roads in the city and the United Counties of SD&G on Thursday (March 10).

In the city, it includes sections of South Branch Road, Cornwall Centre Road, McConnell Avenue, Richmond Drive and Boundary Road within Cornwall city limits.

In SD&G, most roads are under half-load restrictions, which is five metric tons per axle.

The restrictions, which are in effect until early May, are meant to prevent damage to the road base during the pre-spring freezing and thawing cycle.