Upper Canada Village train will go

The St. Lawrence Parks Commission, east of Morrisburg. (Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston, File)

MORRISBURG – Facing repair costs over $1 million, the St. Lawrence Parks Commission says it will be getting rid of its locomotive and rail cars at Crysler Park Marina near Upper Canada Village.

While some work had been done on the “Moccasin” like train in the 1990s, it slowed but didn’t stop the deterioration over time. The train has been at its site along County Road 2 since the late 1950s.

The decision follows talks with South Dundas and the report showing $1.1 million in repairs needed to the aging train.

The parks commission board of commissioners had “mixed emotions” with the decision but is hopeful someone will take the train and keep it somewhere in Eastern Ontario.

The train, which was donated by the Canadian Pacific Railway to the SLPC, consists of a locomotive, baggage/refrigeration car and a passenger car.

Parks commission chairman Bob Runciman says they are facing other “significant aging infrastructure that urgently needs repair” and money must be directed there, such as septic systems and washrooms.

The SPLC will be putting out a request for expression of interest to see if there are any train takers.