SOUTH DUNDAS – The township is expected to get rid of the South Branch Community Fund Committee tonight.
South Dundas Recreation Coordinator Ben Macpherson is recommending the work of the committee, to oversee the $30,000 a year fund from EDP Renewables, be given to the newly formed South Branch Recreation Committee.
In addition, the new committee would be provided control of the community fund.
Up until now, the South Branch Community Fund Committee has acted more-or-less as a go-between the public and council for community projects on municipal land in the three designated areas of Dixons Corners, Dundela and Brinston.
Last month, Coun. Marc St. Pierre said the committee should have been more of an approval body for community ideas, calling the current committee nothing more than “another level of bureaucracy.”
There has been a struggle to get applications for the community fund, partially due to improper applications or those that don’t fit the criteria.
Macpherson’s report says the new committee would be a committee of council, to ensure financial accountability, and would run under similar terms to the township’s two waterfront committees.
Tonight’s meeting in Morrisburg starts at 7 p.m. Live updates on Twitter @cwlnewswatch.