Cornwall restaurant helps high school mission trip

In this Dec. 14, 2015 photo provided by St. Joseph's Catholic Secondary School, members of the Glengarrian, the St. Joe's hospitality group and mission team members serve patrons at the Cornwall restaurant. The event raised over $2,300 for their trip to the Dominican Republic. (St. Joseph's Catholic Secondary School via Newswatch Group)

CORNWALL – A bunch of Cornwall high school students have received some help from a local restaurant for their upcoming mission trip to the Dominican Republic.

The Glengarrian Pub and Restaurant helped raise money through a three course meal, prepared and served by the hospitality and tourism students from St. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School.

“Everything was great from the food to the service of the students. I can’t wait to bring more people here next time it happens,” said Claire Van Putten, a patron from Apple Hill.

The supplies were donated by owner Bob Murphy and the event on Monday Dec. 14 raised over $2,300, including a $500 donation from Cornwall Toyota’s Troy and Julie Hickman.

Principal Danny Conway said Murphy went over and above for the school initiative.

The mission team will go to the NPH Orphanage in March where they will assist in work projects at the orphanage and will experience life in nearby villages.

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