COLUMN: Sunshine List good for accountability April 5, 2017 The release of the annual Sunshine list causes the usual media swell of stories. The Sunshine List is a release
COLUMN: Do we need a rethink on French Immersion programming? February 26, 2017 School boards have spent a lot of money implementing French Immersion programming in schools in the last 10 years. English
News COLUMN: Rivette out of line on scrapping #17 February 18, 2017 The idea of protecting our heritage is a noble one; that we preserve or maintain items of historical significance to
COLUMN: A tale of five high schools February 16, 2017 For everyone involved with the accommodation review process underway in Upper Canada District School Board, the past five months have
COLUMN: Closing schools won’t fix education woes September 28, 2016 To say waking up Tuesday morning to the news of school closings was a shock would be an understatement. As
COLUMN: The definition of insanity September 15, 2016 There is an old adage that states the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again,
COLUMN: Leitch off mark with values test September 13, 2016 The move by Kelly Leitch to go down the rabbit hole of defining Canadian values is proof why she should
COLUMN: Raising rates not the answer August 4, 2016 Opening a utility bill of late can be a harrowing experience. Ever increasing electricity rates, escalating water rates, delivery charges
COLUMN: Library closure process lacks respect August 2, 2016 The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry library board announced the closure of three more branches on July 29th, the day before
COLUMN: Arts center an excuse to spend money July 15, 2016 The report was presented to Cornwall city council Monday that the city, vis-a-vis the taxpayer, should spend $11.7 million on