Massey Place plans include 20 ‘tiny home’ transitional housing units November 15, 2023 News, Premium In this provided photo, the former Vincent Massey Public School on Cumberland Street in Cornwall, Ont. The city plans to create nine supportive housing units in the building and possibly up to 20 'tiny homes' on the property. (City of Cornwall via Newswatch Group) This is content for Cornwall Newswatch Premium subscribers. Subscribe now for as little as $5.99 a month! You'll have access to the latest breaking news and original reporting in Cornwall and the Seaway Valley. Click here to subscribe. Username or E-mail Password Remember Me Forgot Password City of CornwallCornwall City CouncilhomelessJuliette LabossiereLisa SmithMassey CommonsMellissa MorganParisien ManorThe Ventin Group ArchitectsUnited Counties of SD&G