CORNWALL – The number of car chases involving city police officers dropped slightly in 2021.
Statistics reviewed by the Cornwall Police Services Board last week show there were 15 pursuits compared to 18 in 2020.
In a dozen of those “fail to stop” cases, the chase was called off in the interest of public safety or a number of other factors.
There was only one collision during a pursuit. “In this incident, a suspect vehicle had struck a police cruiser while trying to free his vehicle from a snowbank. The incident did not result in any personal injuries,” the suspect apprehension report states.
There were four arrests and 48 charges laid in relation to pursuits with most of those charges under the Criminal Code of Canada.
“The three year trend indicates that although pursuits still occur, officers of the CPS have become accustomed to the policy governing pursuits and are showing due diligence in complying with policy,” the report said.