CORNWALL – A Cornwall councillor would like to see some sort of municipal control on how many people can be evicted at the same time from larger rental properties based on a need of renovations.
If he gets support from fellow councillors Monday night, Coun. Todd Bennett will ask the city to look into the legalities of having a bylaw to control the number of people evicted simultaneously from larger apartment complexes.
The new business motion mentions the mass eviction notices issued last month to roughly 100 tenants at Cumberland Gardens.
The situation has drawn empathy for tenants in statements from MPP Jim McDonnell and Cornwall Mayor Glen Grant and condemnation of the landlord from MP Eric Duncan.
Duncan called the move by Bedford Properties and Estates “absurd” and “heartless.”
Monday’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. at the Cornwall Civic Complex.
Editor’s note: This story was corrected at 6:12 p.m. to show the Cumberland Gardens situation was mentioned in the motion.