Pre-arrival testing at border to end April 1

Federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos announces border pre-entry testing to Canada will end on April 1, 2022. (CPAC/YouTube via Newswatch Group)

OTTAWA – Crossing the Canada-U.S. border won’t require a COVID-19 test upon your return starting next month.

Federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos made the announcement during a news conference this morning.

Starting April 1, fully vaccinated travellers will no longer need a pre-entry test. Random PCR testing will still happen but those people won’t have to quarantine, Duclos explained.

Partially and non-vaccinated individuals will still be tested and have to quarantine for up to two weeks while they await their results.

“Today’s announcement is encouraging,” Duclos said.

After two years of following public health measures, Duclos says people know how to keep themselves safe.

The health minister expects coronavirus transmission to continue to decline in the coming months as the warm weather comes and more people spend time outdoors.