Franco-Ontarian Day in SD&G

In this September 2019, file photo, the Franco-Ontarian flag flies at the monument on Water Street in Cornwall, Ont. recognizing contributions of local French Canadians. (Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston, File)

SD&G – While Franco-Ontarian Day is today (Sept. 25), many students at French Public and Catholic schools celebrated their heritage on Friday.

The French Catholic board (CSDCEO) led a province-wide virtual presentation called “Encore Ensemble”.

“Students from French-language Catholic schools in the Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell regions are proud ambassadors and proud ambassadors of their Franco-Ontarian language and culture,” Education Director Francois Turpin said in a French statement.

The French Public board (CEPEO) told Cornwall Newswatch its students would celebrate as well with the “Encore Ensemble,” which would be “followed by many activities” yesterday and today (Saturday).

The Ontario government also announced $250,000 Friday for a blind and low vision program for Francophone students through the Centre Jules-Leger in Ottawa. There was also more than $525,000 for 19 projects by French-speaking organizations, working jointly between Ontario and Quebec.