Here are the latest local, regional and national headlines on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for Thursday, February 4, 2021:
- There have been 272,097 confirmed cases of COVID-19 across Ontario, an increase of 1,172 (or 0.4 per cent) from the previous day. There are 248,981 people recovered from the virus while 6,305 people have died. The number of Ontario people tested is 9,784,846 of which 44,606 have pending results.
- Canada’s coronavirus case total is 789,651. The country has 20,355 deaths from the virus – one in the Yukon, one in Nunavut, 1,234 in British Columbia, 1,671 in Alberta, 322 in Saskatchewan, 835 in Manitoba, 6,305 in Ontario, 9,899 in Quebec, 18 in New Brunswick, four in Newfoundland & Labrador and 65 in Nova Scotia.
- The Eastern Ontario Health Unit added 41 cases on Wednesday to bring the regional total to 2,554 confirmed cases. They were four in Prescott-Russell, 17 in SD&G, nine in Cornwall and 11 in Akwesasne. Of all cases, 329 are active (28 fewer than Tuesday) and 2,166 are resolved (66 more than Tuesday). There have been 59 deaths, three more than Tuesday. There are 23 people in hospital (one more than Tuesday) and none in ICU (down one from Tuesday). There are 13 active institutional outbreaks, two fewer than Tuesday. Testing increased by 556 to 103,342. The breakdown of cases is: Prescott-Russell 1,154 cases (89 active), SD&G 560 cases (109 active), Cornwall 679 cases (119 active) and Akwesasne (ON/QC) 161 cases (12 active).
- The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit added four newly confirmed cases on Wednesday to bring the regional total to 823 confirmed cases, of which 25 are active (four more than Tuesday) and 744 are recovered (no change from Tuesday). Fifty-four people have died to date. There is one person in hospital in the ICU. There is one active institutional outbreak (Rosebridge Manor). The community case breakdown is: Lanark County East 145 cases (seven active), Lanark County West 148 cases (six active), Leeds-Grenville Central 90 cases (five active), Leeds-Grenville East 120 cases (two active) and Leeds-Grenville West 118 cases (four active).
- Schools in southwestern Ontario will be returning to in-class learning Monday (Feb. 8). Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced that schools in 13 health unit areas will resume classroom teaching while those in York, Toronto and Peel will be back in class the following week (Feb. 16).
- For a second year, the Glengarry Highland Games in North Glengarry has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. “I never thought we would have to make this decision two years in a row, but we do not have a choice,” President Eric Metcalfe said in a statement about the Maxville event. The tentative date for the games now is July 29-30, 2022.
Have a story or news release related to COVID-19? Send it along for possible inclusion in a future digest on Cornwall Newswatch. Email editor@cornwallnewswatch.com. Please put “COVID-19 Digest” in the subject line.