Two orders for Morrisburg’s Evonik after December explosion

In this Google Maps image, the Evonik Oil Additives plant on County Road 2, east of Morrisburg, Ont. The Ministry of Labour issued two orders for the company following a December explosion and fire which injured a worker. (Google Maps via Newswatch Group)

MORRISBURG – The Ontario Ministry of Labour has issued two orders for Morrisburg’s Evonik Oil Additives after a December fire and explosion severely injured a worker.

Ministry spokesman Kalem McSween told Cornwall Newswatch that a requirement was issued soon after an inspector went to the County Road 2 plant after the Dec. 4 accident.

The two orders were issued days after the requirement.

In an email to Cornwall Newswatch, company spokesman Robert Brown says both orders were “around the handling and dispensing of certain chemicals until such time as proper precautions and safeguards were confirmed to be in place.”

The requirement was to provide contact and personal information for the injured employee.

“We have met the orders to MoL (Ministry of Labour) satisfaction and have resumed production at the time,” Brown added.

McSween would not elaborate on the orders as the ministry’s investigation is ongoing.

The worker, identified through community fundraising efforts as 26-year-old South Stormont volunteer firefighter Blake Girard, is still recovering from severe burns.

Evonik has roughly 30 employees at the plant.