Editor’s note: This story has been corrected and updated at 3:10 p.m. to show the CPS Professional Standards Bureau had a 12-month driving suspension in their records from the court proceedings that does not show up on the Ontario Court of Justice file reviewed by Cornwall Newswatch. Also, the sentence was delivered Oct. 28 while court records show the matter was completed Nov. 17. Also corrects the date of charges to Aug. 8, 2020 from Aug. 7, 2020.
CORNWALL – A Cornwall police officer has been fined after he was caught driving drunk while off-duty this summer.
Staff Sgt. Robert Archambault, 50, was found guilty on a charge of having more than 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood, known as an “over 80” charge.
He was fined $2,000 plus a $600 victim fine surcharge for a total penalty of $2,600 during a court appearance in Cornwall in October.
No driving related penalties showed up on court records. However, the Cornwall Police Service’s Professional Standards Bureau has told CNW that Archambault did receive a 12-month driving prohibition.
Archambault was charged on Aug. 8, 2020 after an investigation by the O.P.P.
Staff Sgt. Dan Maille with the Cornwall Police Service’s Professional Standards Bureau told Cornwall Newswatch Monday there will be a Police Services Act hearing.
“Yes, we’re going to move that route which is the typical process. We’re just trying to finalize the documents to move forward,” he said.
The hearing date has been set for Tuesday, Dec. 8 by teleconference where Archambault will face a single charge of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act.
Archambault has been an officer with the Cornwall Police Service for almost 19 years.
He has been working desk duty since the charge was first laid in August.