Outbreak declared at Winchester’s Dundas Manor

WINCHESTER – A North Dundas nursing home has declared a COVID-19 outbreak after a staff member came up positive for the virus during routine testing.

Dundas Manor on Clarence Street in Winchester says the employee “only worked a few shifts recently,” in a post on its Facebook page Sunday afternoon. The manor didn’t indicate whether the staff member was asymptomatic.

Ontario Ministry of Health guidelines say long-term care homes must consider a single, laboratory confirmed case of COVID-19 in a resident or staff member as a confirmed COVID-19 outbreak.

The home says all residents and staff are now being tested “out of an abundance of caution.”

It’s also cut off all indoor and outdoor visits until further notice.

Dundas Manor is one of two facilities in the Eastern Ontario Health Unit region with an active outbreak. The second one is at Auberge Plein Soleil in Alfred where a staff member tested positive. A previous outbreak at Valoris Group Home in Rockland was declared over on Friday.