CORNWALL – The City of Cornwall says it will start accepting applications for backyard burning permits next week.
The bylaw, which Coun. Todd Bennett described as a compromise when it was passed earlier this month, will allow a select number of properties – about 27 per cent of city households or 4,096 eligible properties – have backyard fires.
Among the limitations, burning will only be allowed between May and September from 6 p.m. to midnight. Fires can be no more than 45 centimeters cubed (17 inches) and have to be 7.5 meters (25 feet) away from any property line, building, roadway, overhead wire or fence.
The applications, which will be accepted starting next Tuesday (Sept. 1), will also require property owners to take photos and make a sketch, plus they will have to share their intentions with their neighbours.
They will be three year permits though the city hasn’t said how much they will cost. More details are expected on the launch date next week.
In the meantime, you can find a copy open air burning bylaw here.