Over $120,000 raised for Cornwall hospital during radiothon

The Cornwall Community Hospital on McConnell Avenue. (Newswatch Group/File)

CORNWALL – A large radio fundraiser for protective equipment for front line staff, doctors and patients at the Cornwall Community Hospital has raised over $120,000.

The 14th annual Corus Caring Hearts Virtual Radiothon on Thursday (Aug 20) was held for 13 hours on boom 101.9 and 1045 Fresh Radio and wrapped up at 7 p.m.

The final total for the Cornwall Hospital Foundation was $120,119.

“That is amazing. You, the community, Cornwall and SD&G. This is you…this is such an amazing community isn’t it?” said Andreas “Panda” Pandikiu, 1045 Fresh Radio host, as the total was revealed.

The virtual event had drive-thru donation locations in Cornwall, Lancaster, St. Andrews West and Ingleside.

This year’s radiothon was a virtual event instead of being at the Cornwall Community Hospital due to COVID-19.

It appears the coronavirus weighed on fundraising as the final amount was down from the previous year’s fundraising total – the second largest ever – at $151,110. But it was more than 2018, when $105,554 was raised.