Catholic board will have high school ‘quadmester’

KEMPTVILLE – The region’s Catholic school board says high school students will be on a quadmester timetable this fall and all students – elementary and secondary – will be going to school five days a week.

“Secondary schools will implement a quadmestering model whereby students will attend school five days per week to participate in two courses at a time for nine-week periods or ‘quadmesters,’” the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario said.

The board’s notice came Thursday night, shortly after Premier Doug Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced the return-to-school plan.

The CDSBEO plan was presented to board trustees on Wednesday during a private meeting.

While not divulging its contents, the CDSBEO says the draft document “includes nearly 100 pages of details on safety protocols for schools and well as the four return-to-school scenarios.”

It still needs to be approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Board chairman Todd Lalonde says they are confident that “all facets of the return to school in September” have been covered.

The first day of school is Sept. 4.