The following is in response to the Monday, July 20, 2020 Letter to the Editor entitled “Some actions have been worse than coronavirus itself“:
How irresponsible are you? Letting this Barb nobody deter people from not wearing masks is deplorable. Saying our freedoms are taken away is ridiculous. Think of all the people who are going through cancer treatments, have Crohn’s Disease and respiratory issues. I know an infant who is more prone to tumors, the list goes on. What’s sad is that people don’t understand you can be asymptomatic with COVID-19 and the least you can do is wear a mask to not potentially kill others. How many top doctors have to say to stop the spread, wear a mask to get through to people? What I believe is, I don’t want to kill others, so I’ll wear a mask for my fellow Canadians. You should be ashamed.
Abby St. John