SOUTH DUNDAS – Bylaw officers in South Dundas are focusing on the Ontario government’s coronavirus emergency order when it comes to groups and non-essential closures.
The Municipality of South Dundas announced today (Monday) that its two full-time bylaw enforcement officers and Fire Chief Cameron Morehouse are responding to complaints concerning the provincial emergency rules.
Spokesman Kalynn Sawyer Helmer told Cornwall Newswatch that bylaw workers’ hours aren’t being increased yet. “They have been dealing with the calls as they come in,” Helmer said.
They include people congregating in parks, non-essential retail businesses still open, restaurants with their dining areas open and gatherings of five or more people in public or private places.
South Dundas says it will be taking an “educational approach” to these new measures, meaning that Provincial Offences Act tickets for infractions are unlikely.
To file a complaint, call Chief Morehouse at 613-543-2673 extension 4760 or email cmorehouse@southdundas.com