LANCASTER – A replacement commercial vehicle inspection station along the westbound Highway 401 at Lancaster is under environmental review.
The Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility (CVIF) is proposed for land on the north side of Highway 401 between County Road 34 and the Fraser Road overpass, southwest of the Raisin River. It would replace the current truck inspection station, east of Lancaster.
The proposed site was picked as the best location for a new station within a 60 kilometer corridor from County Road 14 at Ingleside to the Ontario-Quebec boundary. It would require Raisin River Road, off Fraser Road, to be realigned during construction.

Dillon Consulting has been handling the project and the plan has been through four public open houses since 2012. It’s now under a public review for an environmental assessment.
The Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) 30-day review started yesterday and continues through March 2.
It outlines a number of parts of the project, including layout, environmental impacts, mitigation measures and all the consultation done to date.
The TESR is available for public review during business hours at the Char-Lan Recreation Center on John Street in Williamstown, the Lancaster library branch and the MTO Eastern Region office in Kingston.
This is the final chapter for the site selection and preliminary design study. Detailed design and construction phases will happen in the coming years.