CORNWALL – The City of Cornwall has made another application to the provincial government to resurface and widen a section of Brookdale Avenue, which would include bike lanes.
The city applied last summer under the first intake of the $30 million Connecting Links program but was unsuccessful. The corporation now has another application into the Ministry of Transportation after the ministry “strongly encouraged” the municipality to reapply.
Results should be known before April.
The project would rebuild the base, shoulders and ditches of Brookdale Avenue from the CNR overpass to the Highway 401 overpass and would widen the roadway to put in cycling lanes on both sides (it would still be two lanes of traffic, one in each direction).
The project is estimated to cost $1.85 million and the city could receive up to $1.66 million through Connecting Links. The balance would be covered through the municipal asphalt budget.
Cornwall is one of 77 Ontario municipalities eligible to apply to the program because it has a connecting link (Brookdale Avenue) between Ontario’s Highway 138 and the Seaway International Bridge at Water Street.