Get The Kit: Cornwall Electric now offering energy saving kits

Energy Saving Kits, funded by the provincial government, are now being offered to Cornwall Electric customers through an online application process. Photo of kit taken Sunday, Dec. 8, 2019. (Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston)

CORNWALL – Cornwall Electric customers will be able to tap into a provincial program where they can get hundreds of dollars in energy saving gadgets.

The Affordability Fund Trust Program is now open to local households and is available by applying to the program at the Affordability Fund website here for a limited time.

The kits, valued at up to $300, include items like LED light bulbs, smart power bars and energy saving shower heads.

“We are especially excited to be able to offer this program to Cornwall residents, as a first of its kind in this service territory,” Cornwall Electric Regional Manager Jackie Baird said.

Some households can also be eligible for Energy Star appliances and upgrades to their home, like insulation or heating systems.

One couple from Cornwall, who received a kit and also had a heat pump installed for their electricity-heated home, estimates they are saving about 31 per cent on their electricity bill.

The Affordability Fund Trust Program is funded by the provincial government and is part of the Fair Hydro Plan.

Cornwall Electric is owned by FortisOntario, part of Fortis Inc. The utility has 24,800 customers in Cornwall, South Glengarry, South Stormont and Cornwall Island.