TORONTO – The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) has ordered a Cornwall doctor to stop practicing medicine until she can get a college-approved supervisor.
The CPSO’s Inquires, Complaints and Reports Committee made the order effective Wednesday Nov. 20 saying Dr. Sheridan Reavely-Diaz “must cease to practice medicine” because she had failed to obtain a supervisor.
The supervisory requirement was part of a decision on Nov. 13, which included 16 terms, conditions and limitations on her certificate of registration. Many of those terms were about having someone else oversee her work.
The restrictions are interim measures ahead of a disciplinary hearing, a spokesman for the CPSO told Cornwall Newswatch.
“There has not been a formal referral to Discipline Committee at this stage, and as a result hearing dates have not been scheduled,” Josh McLarnon said.
Diaz is accused of failing to maintain a standard of practice and discreditable conduct. Those include allegations that she failed to cooperate with CPSO investigators, created false or inaccurate medical records or inappropriately altered medical records and made inappropriate OHIP claims.
A notice of hearing was released Oct. 17, 2019. The discipline committee intends to use evidence from six patients. Alternatively, the matter could be resolved through an alternative dispute resolution process, McLarnon told CNW.
A search of Diaz’s CPSO file shows previous problems between her and her patients. There were four times in the last four years where the doctor has been cautioned-in-person by the CPSO or required to take remediation training as the result of public complaints.
She has held her licence since 1990.
Dr. Sheridan Reavely-Diaz’s practice is at the Pitt Street Medical Center (1335 Pitt Street) in Cornwall.