Cornwall bicycle safety month saw 175 charges

A bicyclist rides illegally on a sidewalk, against the flow of traffic, on Water Street in Cornwall, Ont. on Monday, May 6, 2019. The police department gave out 175 tickets to cyclists during the month of May during an enforcement campaign. (Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston)

CORNWALL – City police handed out 175 tickets during the month of May during the Cornwall Police Service road and bicycle safety campaign.

Officers were clamping down on how people ride bicycles, e-bikes and scooters within the city limits.

There were a total of 175 Highway Traffic Act and municipal bylaw enforcement tickets.

Here’s the breakdown of the charges and citations obtained by Cornwall Newswatch through a request to the police department:

  • 7 cyclists were charged for riding their bicycle on the sidewalk
  • 4 were charged with failing to wear a proper helmet on a power-assisted bicycle
  • 1 cyclist was charged for riding in crossover
  • 1 cyclist was charged for riding in a crosswalk
  • 4 cyclists used improper arm signals
  • 2 cyclists failed to stop, while another failed to identify themselves
  • 4 cyclists had improper bicycle lighting
  • 1 cyclist had improper brakes
  • 10 cyclists failed to have a horn on their bicycle
  • 8 cyclists failed to stop at a stop sign
  • 1 cyclist travelled the wrong way in one-way traffic

It was also a road safety month campaign and the following Highway Traffic Act charged were laid in May:

  • 30 drivers were found to not be wearing their seat belts
  • 4 passengers were found to not be wearing their seat belts
  • 22 drivers failed to stop at a red light
  • 3 drivers were charged for racing
  • 10 drivers failed to stop at a stop sign

Police are also reminding people, now that summer is there and school’s out, every roadway user should slow down and pay attention to their surroundings.