LONG SAULT – While there are no long term fixes in place, the International Joint Commission proposes a two-day increase in water levels along the St. Lawrence River before winter.
The suggestion comes after a packed meeting of over 100 people at South Stormont Township Hall last night (Tuesday).
While the IJC has been following its plan for regulating water levels, known as Plan 2014, Mother Nature has been the driving force behind the low water, a representative said.
The words seemed to bring little solace to St. Lawrence River stakeholders and residents’ groups at the meeting. Some in the audience shouted critical comments at the presenters at times.
Groups like the Ault Island Community Association have said the fluctuating water levels have caused “significant damage” to boats and docks.
The one-time raising of water levels – if it goes ahead – would happen Oct. 5-7 in order for people to get their watercraft and docks out of the river for winter.