Update 9 p.m. Wednesday: One lane of Highway 401 westbound reopened to traffic.
CORNWALL/SOUTH STORMONT — The westbound lanes of Highway 401 are closed this afternoon after a collision between two tractor trailers.
The crash in the westbound lanes happened around 3:45 p.m. just west of the Brookdale Avenue exit.
One of the trucks, with extensive front end damage, ended up in the grass median.
Injuries in the crash are said to be serious.
SD&G O.P.P., South Stormont and Cornwall firefighters and Cornwall-SDG Paramedic Services are all on scene.
One ambulance already rushed from the scene, presumably with one of the drivers.
Both trucks were carrying non hazardous materials. Later in the afternoon, the cab of one of the trucks, carrying metal coil, was allowed to drop his trailer and drive away from the scene.
Eastbound traffic is getting through the area, which was already down to one lane for construction.

The westbound lanes of Highway 401 are closed at Boundary Road. The closure is creating massive backups on arterial roads, such as Brookdale Avenue, Cornwall Centre Road, Pitt Street and Tollgate Road.