Scam uncovered in Dundas County newspapers

A newspaper ad in the Wednesday, April 18, 2018 edition of The Morrisburg Leader requests a caregiver for a woman with dementia. SD&G O.P.P. say the ad, which also appeared in The Winchester Press, is actually a scam and not to respond. (Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston)

DUNDAS COUNTY – A scam artist has used two unsuspecting local newspapers in order to glean personal information from potential job seekers, who would have undoubtedly become victims.

SD&G O.P.P. say the ad was in the classified section of recent editions of The Winchester Press and The Morrisburg Leader, looking for a caregiver to take care of a woman suffering from dementia.

But police say the ad is actually a scam.

“We’ve now learned it is a scam. Do not respond,” the O.P.P. said.

Police believe the con artist’s goal was to obtain personal information, specifically banking records, in order to steal money.

Authorities also suggested the newspapers were unwitting victims.

“The ad was booked and paid for by credit card via email. The payment cleared, and nothing about the submission appeared out of the ordinary,” police said.

Police say they received two complaints about the ad and “thankfully no money was lost.”