Cycling money for Cornwall, South Stormont

In this diagram from a Cornwall City Council meeting in July 2017, red lines outline proposed bike lanes for 2018 in the City of Cornwall. Only two projects are included in the 2018 budget. The city has received $384,000 from the province which will allow it to add some additional work next year. (City of Cornwall via Newswatch Group, File)

CORNWALL/SOUTH STORMONT – Two SD&G municipalities have received money to improve their cycling infrastructure.

The Ontario government announced its $93 million Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program (OMCC) funding package this week – money collected from cap-and-trade.

Cornwall is getting $384,177.

“This is pretty exciting,” said John St. Marseille, general manager of Cornwall infrastructure, in an interview Wednesday with Cornwall Newswatch.

“There is a myriad of projects that we can use this (money) for and it is focused on commuter cycling. This funding will be used to top up what we are proposing through our 2018 budget for council,” he said.

The city already has $240,000 in bicycle lane work planned (not approved) for 2018: Boundary Road from SCM Way to Service Road and Campbell Street from Marleau to Second Street East.

Some streets that could be considered for additional bike lane work are Cornwall Centre Road, Brookdale Avenue and Tollgate Road, as well as some streets around the Cornwall Business Park — locations laid out in the 2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.

“Obviously, we can’t do all of those. But we’ll have to bring some ideas (to council) based on what we think would be a priority…what is acceptable to council.”

The city also has to confirm details of the OMCC funding framework to see if there are any stipulations on how the money can be used for bike lanes.

St. Marseille says they will be applying for the next year of funding from the OMCC, which is a four year program.

Cornwall received $325,000 last year from the provincial government to complete the so-called “urban loop” near Twelfth Street and McConnell Avenue.

The infrastructure manager also acknowledged Chantal Lalonde and the Active Transportation Group for being strong advocates for bike-friendly projects in the city.

South Stormont was the only other municipality in SD&G to receive OMCC funding – $25,000.