CORNWALL – Visitors to Guindon Park and the Eco Gardens in Lamoureux Park will soon been greeted with signs about the presence of ticks.
The blood-sucking arachnids – some of which carry Lyme disease – are already active this year in city parks.
Municipal Arborist Supervisor Scott Porter cautioned attendees about the pests during a Q&A session at a film screening Sunday at the Cornwall Public Library.
He said the ticks have come out in “full force.”
“Our staff was down in Guindon Park on Thursday and Friday and they got ticks on them. They were only in the bush for about 30 seconds,” Porter said.
“So just to keep an eye on it. There has been positive hits for Lyme disease in Cornwall,” he added.
Porter also shared some preventative measures, including using repellent with DEET, tucking your pants in your socks and doing a self-check of your body after being in the long grass or the bush.
A member of the audience also suggested a natural repellent – Tea Tree Oil.
“Our environment’s getting warmer and ticks have been moving into the area. And now they’re here full force,” Porter said.
You can read more about ticks and Lyme disease on the Eastern Ontario Health Unit website here.