Via Rail train collision with vehicle east of Cornwall

CORNWALL – A Via Rail train collided with a car at a crossing, at the east end of Cornwall, late Friday afternoon.

Via Rail spokesman Mariam Diaby told Cornwall Newswatch Train 67 was heading from Montreal to Toronto when it hit a vehicle that was on the tracks at the Boundary Road crossing.

Emergency crews are on site of the crash, she said.

CNW has learned the crash has fallen within the jurisdiction of the South Glengarry Fire Department and the SD&G O.P.P.

Diaby believes the person or persons in the car were able to escape before the collision and there are no reported injuries on the train.

Train 67 was scheduled to arrive in Cornwall at 4:57 p.m., according to the Via Rail Canada website.

The train was stopped and the locomotive crew was released from the scene. Via Rail is making arrangements for passengers to get to their destination.