City front line workers will have name tags, business cards

(Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston, File)

CORNWALL – You won’t be able to mistake front line staff working for the City of Cornwall in the future.

In a report to council tonight (Monday), Human Resources Director Geoff Clarke has indicated that the city will be implementing name tags for front line customer service positions.

Each department head within the will be responsible for identifying who those people are.

The name tags, considered to be a minimal cost, will have the City of Cornwall logo and the employee’s first name only, for privacy and security.

As well, staff going to any meeting outside the corporation will be required to carry business cards – enough of them to give to every person at any given meeting.

As for picking up the phone, city employees will have to answer the phone by saying “City of Cornwall, (Insert Name) Speaking.”

The changes were proposed by Couns. Elaine MacDonald and Denis Carr in order to “demystify officialdom” within the municipality.