CORNWALL – The first half of 2016 has seen just over $44.4 million in construction in Cornwall – a big step up from 2015.
Statistics from the City of Cornwall’s building department show 408 permits were issued in the first six months of this year (112 for new construction, 276 for repairs, 4 for additions, 16 for demolitions).
As for new construction, the city saw permits for 14 single family homes, 24 semi-detached homes, 7 multiple unit complexes, 12 garages or sheds, 29 swimming pools, 11 signs and a balance of commercial and industrial builds.
While there were more permits issued in the first six months of 2015 (499), the value of construction and home repairs was a lot less ($26.6 million).
As for last month, there were roughly $5.7 million in building permits.
Powering June was a $1 million permit to build a 12 unit condominium on First Street East, a $200,000 permit to build the Starbucks on Brookdale Avenue and a $350,000 permit for the Riverdale splash pad, which is opening Friday afternoon.
Complaints reporting
The city’s building department has also started including property standards activity in its monthly reports.
Cornwall has received 541 complaints in the first six months of 2016, has performed 1,112 inspections and given 75 notices or orders.