NORTH DUNDAS – The township has hired its new economic development and communications officer.
Anne Leduc will fill the role left vacant by Rob Hunter, who left to take a similar job in South Dundas.
Leduc comes to North Dundas having previously held the EDO position with South Glengarry and the Town of Hawkesbury.
“We are very excited that Anne has agreed to join our team, she brings a lot of experience and energy,” North Dundas Mayor Mayor Duncan said. “We believe we can really take our economic development and communications successes to a whole new level with Anne on our team. She has a positive attitude and work ethic, cares about being a part of a team, and Council is looking forward to working with her.”
Leduc also has worked with the SD&G Economic Development Working Group and the Eastern Ontario Training Board.
Anne Leduc started her new job today (April 11).