Ontario extends Community Paramedic Program

(Newswatch Group/File)

CORNWALL – The province has decided to extend its Community Paramedic Program.

It’s good news for the 11 local paramedics making house calls to at-risk residents in SD&G.

The pilot program started in January 2015 in SD&G as part of 30 Ontario communities and was extended twice until the money ran out Thursday.

Ontario Health Minister Dr. Eric Hoskins told The Toronto Star today (April 1) that funding will continue.

The province will work with SD&G EMS and other providers to develop a long-term plan, Hoskins indicated.

In an earlier interview with Cornwall Newswatch, EMS Chief Myles Cassidy said the program has been booked solid and people were on a waiting list for the service.

The Community Paramedic Program focuses on seniors and people with chronic conditions in order to prevent trips to the emergency room. People are referred based on screening of 911 calls.