O.P.P. lay 28 charges in historical sexual assault case

SOUTH GLENGARRY – An elderly South Glengarry man is facing 28 charges related to sexual attacks on victims in the 1960s.

The 81-year-old is facing 13 counts of assault, six counts of assault causing bodily harm, assault with a weapon, three counts of indecent assault, buggery, mischief, two counts of uttering threats and one count of pointing a firearm.

The assaults are said to have occurred between 1963 and 1967.

Const. Tylor Copeland told Cornwall Newswatch the investigation by the SD&G O.P.P. and the SD&G O.P.P. Crime Unit lasted less than six months.

The matter came to light several months ago while police were investigating a domestic dispute, Copeland explained.

He couldn’t say how many victims there were but added that all of them were known to the perpetrator. All the victims were adults now, he said.

The man, who is not being named by police to protect the victim’s identity, will appear in a Cornwall, Ont. court April 26, 2016.