Hiring ‘quiet’ this spring in Cornwall: Manpower

CORNWALL – If the upcoming spring has you thinking about finding a job, it may be a bit of a challenge if you believe the latest Manpower survey.

The employment firm is out with its Employment Outlook Survey today (March 8, 2016) and is calling for a “quiet” hiring climate for April through June in Cornwall.

Of the employers surveyed, seven per cent plan to hire, three per cent are looking at staffing cutbacks and 87 per cent are keeping the status quo. Three per cent were unsure what they are going to do.

Manpower spokesman Lisa MacInnis told Cornwall Newswatch they don’t have any rationale for the weak results. “We don’t have any additional details around what may be causing the number to be where it is for this upcoming quarter, as far as identified as a quiet hiring climate,” she said.

Company owners keeping things as is, is actually a good thing. “When you’re looking at trends of 70-87 per cent of employers maintaining status quo, that’s a very positive number to impact within the region,” MacInnis said.

The overall outlook is down two per cent from the previous quarter and down eight percentage points from April to June of 2015.

The hiring climate gets better as you head west, as 27 per cent of Brockville surveyed planned to hire and 30 per cent in Kingston.

Cornwall’s results are slightly below the national average, where 1,900 Canadian employers were surveyed.

Fifteen per cent plan adding staff, five per cent plan cutbacks and 78 per cent are keeping things as is. Two per cent were unsure.