BROCKVILLE – Under the proposed 2016-2017 school calendar, Upper Canada District School Board students wouldn’t end classes until two days before Christmas.
The board is recommending the last day of school be Friday Dec. 23, 2016.
UCDSB Superintendent David Coombs said the proposed date would allow for a week after the holiday rush for people to “catch their breath.”
Classes wouldn’t start up again until Monday Jan. 9, 2017.
The Ontario government proposal would see kids get out of class at the end of the day on Friday Dec. 16, 2016 and return to class on Monday Jan. 2, 2017.
Coombs said parents have been “overwhelmingly supportive” of changes like this in the past.
The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario is expected to follow suit.
You can provide feedback on the calendar to the board until Feb. 16 by emailing berva.rice@ucdsb.on.ca or calling 613-258-9393 extension 1.
The calendar then goes to the Ontario Ministry of Education for approval.