O.P.P. lay 19 charges in scuffle with officers

(Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston, File)

ALEXANDRIA – Two men are facing charges after a domestic dispute spilled into the streets here on Sunday (Dec. 6).

SD&G O.P.P. were called around noon to a place on Main Street where a man and his ex had been in a fight and the woman had reportedly then threatened.

The accused then peeled off in his vehicle “in a dangerous manner,” said police.

Roughly three hours later, officers were called to a single vehicle crash on Lochiel Street.

The suspect vehicle had left the area by the time they arrived but were able to intercept it on Dominion Street.

The driver put up a fight with officers during his arrest as well as a teenage passenger, who assaulted officers.

A North Glengarry man, 46, is charged with driving while impaired, over 80, two counts of dangerous driving, uttering threats, possession of methamphetamine, resisting a police officer, criminal harassment, failing to stop at the scene of an accident, mischief and six counts of failing to comply with court orders.

The 18-year-old passenger – also from North Glengarry – is charged with assaulting a police officer, obstructing a police officer and failing to comply with a recognizance.

Their names were not released.

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