Cornwall deputy clerk receives accessibility award

Cornwall Deputy Clerk Manon Levesque, second from left, receives the AODA Champion Award. Presentating the award Nov. 23, 2015 are Mayor Leslie O'Shaughnessy, Coun. Elaine MacDonald and Coun. Maurice Dupelle. Click photo to enlarge. (Newswatch Group/Bill Kingston)

CORNWALL – The city’s deputy clerk has been recognized for her ongoing work on making the Seaway City more accessible.

Manon Levesque was presented with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Champion Award during a presentation at city hall Monday night.

Levesque had spent over a decade working with the accessibility committee, as its municipal adviser, to make Cornwall a barrier-free place for people with disabilities.

The AODA Champion Award is a recognition by her peers – the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario.

Levesque said Monday night she was totally surprised about the award but was very grateful for the recognition.

She led an accessibility tour earlier this month of various city buildings including the Aquatic Center and the Benson Center.

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