Award-winning cancer program at Winchester hospital

Some of the members of the WDMH Breast Care Program team receive the award on Nov. 4, 2015. Pictured, from left, Dr. Sheila Kelly, Dr. Jim Blakslee, Dianne Byers, Dr. Michelle Davey, Shirley Rose, Michelle Renaud, Betty Dentz with Brian McKee and David Black from the Champlain Regional Cancer Program Patient and Family Advisory Council. Click photo to enlarge. (Photo/Supplied)

WINCHESTER – A breast cancer screening program at the Winchester District Memorial Hospital has received a provincial award.

The Champlain Regional Cancer Program’s Patient and Family Advisory Council presented hospital officials with the award on Wednesday.

It recognizes the role the hospital has played in improving the care experience for people affected by cancer.

The Breast Care Program focuses on expediting patient care from the time of an abnormal mammogram to a biopsy for further investigation.

“We are honoured to accept this award,” said Dr. Jim Blakslee, on behalf of the breast care team. “It’s very gratifying to help women in this region every day.”

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