SD&G – Another lofty goal has been announced for the 2015 United Way of SD&G campaign.
“Every year we come up with a very big number. And we don’t just do that because it sounds cool or it’s exciting… we come up with a big number because that’s the need in this community,” campaign chairman Michael Galvin told attendees at the United Way campaign kick off breakfast at the Royal Canadian Legion Friday in Cornwall.
The goal was then revealed, as members from the various agencies United Way funds, turned over large cardboard numbers to reveal – $710,000 – roughly $3,000 more than last year’s target.
“We have an allocation committee that goes through a very thorough process to come up with where our money’s going to go to,” Galvin said about the funding for the 17 member agencies of the United Way. “At the end of the day, it’s that allocation committee that says, this is what we need to serve the need in our community.”
Galvin added that every year the community pulls together “and we hit that number.”

The United Way also stressed the importance of a regional campaign, focusing attention to the United Counties. “The counties enjoy playing a role in the United Way campaign each year,” SD&G Warden Eric Duncan said, “and what we try to do is try to raise more awareness out on the counties for the wonderful work…that the…agencies are doing.”
“It really is a testament to the community to see so many people come out,” said MPP Jim McDonell to the crowd of roughly 150.
The campaign is already well on its way with $105,000 raised, including $12,000 from Royal Bank of Canada, $25,000 from the United Way Holiday Wine & Gourmet Tastings and $10,000 from Pommier Jewelers and Scotiabank with another holiday angel ornament.
The pot has also been sweetened this year with a $3,000 travel voucher on the line for all donations over $25 to the campaign from Your Credit Union, plus the United Way is raffling off an all-terrain vehicle and trailer (tickets are $5 or 5 for $20).
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