Expect a summer repeat of 2014 for Cornwall, SD&G: TWN

EL NINO: The warm ocean phenomenon this summer will really warm up the west coast. For Cornwall and SD&G, The Weather Network says things will be a little bit below normal temperature-wise, but nothing to worry about. (Photo/The Weather Network)

SD&G – If you liked the summer of 2014, The Weather Network says Cornwall and SD&G can expect pretty much the same this year.

TWN is out with its summer outlook and says the Seaway Valley will be above-normal for temperature this month and below-normal for the typically hotter months of July and August.

Meteorologist Kelly Sonnenburg told Cornwall Newswatch a strengthening El Nino (warm sea surface temperatures) off South America coupled with warm water off the B.C. coast will create a lot of warm air in Western Canada.

The result, said Sonnenburg, is below-normal temperatures for Eastern Canada, including Cornwall and SD&G.

“It’s really important to note that it’s going to be a pleasant summer (for Cornwall). If you can remember last summer it’s going to be fairly similar to last summer,” Sonnenberg said. “We didn’t see these weeks of 30 degree temperatures but temperatures were a degree or two below seasonal,” she said.

Normal highs for June are 22-23 degrees and for July and August it’s 25-26 Celsius.

Sonnenburg says a Bermuda high pressure system will usher in some warmer air this month, bringing some warmer days.

The trend where you’re roasting one day and putting on a sweater the next is expected to mellow out this month as we head into summer.

Sonnenburg says it’s the typical “battle of the two air masses” during the shoulder seasons and suggests the fluctuations should mellow out by late June into July.

As for rain for the Cornwall-area, the spring has been a little bit below normal at 120 millimeters of rain compared to the average of 190-200 millimeters.

In the summer, Sonnenburg says rainfall will be near normal as the region usually sees a total of 200 millimeters for June, July and August.

But she cautions forecasting rainfall in the summertime can be difficult because the weather service can’t anticipate localized so-called “pop-up” thunderstorms. “That’s a really localized event when you look at it on the atmospheric…scale of things,” she said.

To sum it up, “temperatures right in the mid 20s to low 20s? That’s not a bad summer at all,” Sonnenburg said.

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