COMMENTARY: May: the classless leader with bad timing

I’m Bill Kingston with today’s commentary. For years the Green Party has been asked to be taken seriously – to be included in political debates – and to be heard. How could that party’s leader undo just about everything the party has worked to gain? By putting on an awkward, classless, potty-mouthed display at a press gallery dinner on Saturday night. Much like the U.S. White House Correspondents’ Dinner, it’s a time for political foes, along with the media, to put their political differences aside and have a little fun and be a little self-depreciating with their humour. But Elizabeth May couldn’t spare wading into that political territory. Clutching her cell phone blaring out Welcome Back, Kotter, she spewed a rambling statement about welcoming the child soldier back to his home country. And then she had the audacity to say “Omar Khadr, you’ve got more class than the whole f—– cabinet,” to a smattering of claps. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt finally managed to shoo this woman off the stage. I just don’t know how May’s going to function now and look other MPs in the face today. She definitely owes them an apology for her embarrassing, low class act, and she should be counted out of the leaders’ debate this fall.

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