I’m Bill Kingston with today’s commentary. Smashing police cruisers, burning drug stores and general mayhem gripped Baltimore, Maryland this week. It was over the protest of the death of Freddie Gray – a black teenager that died from a spinal injury while in police custody. We don’t know exactly what happened but leave it to the looters and the vandals to start smashing stuff in the name of correcting a perceived injustice based on race. Because smashing and ruining the livelihood of everyone else is going to correct the system. Many of the rioters – I don’t want to call them protestors – were young people and it begs the question – where are the parents? Clearly one responsible parent took action by going down to the protest site and confronting her 16-year-old son. He got a smack upside the head from his “no-nonsense” mother. A little heavy-handed? Yes, but clearly justified in this case and refreshing to see a parent stand up and take responsibility. We can all learn a lot of Toya Graham’s actions.
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