Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off grounded for 2015

Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off 2015, originally scheduled for July 9-12, 2015 in Lamoureux Park, has been cancelled. (Photo/Facebook)

CORNWALL – Facing a lack of sponsorship and outstanding debt, organizers of Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off have pulled the plug on the 2015 season.

The hot air balloon festival has also been unable to find a title sponsor, according to a release from Lift-Off’s board of directors.

“With less than three months until the 2015 festival date it was determined by the Board that it would not have the time to raise the funds required and attract the talent that festival goers are anticipating,” says chairman Terry Muir.

At this point the festival didn’t have a title sponsor.

Muir adds the festival plans to fund raise this year and pay off that outstanding debt with the goal of resetting for the 2016 season.

The money requested from the City of Cornwall through the grants to outside agencies program will not be going ahead, states the release.

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